Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The end of 2008

2008 is just about in the record books. This last day has been a good one. I am wiring a new lighting scheme in our bedroom. I have put two plug in fixtures and am running an electrical line up the center pole so we can have some track lighting that will give us some general illumination in the room. I negotiated a new loan deal on our property with our bank, the result will be a savings of about $500/month in cash and the ability to pay off all our property in five years. I took a two mile walk to the Ford dealership and picked up Terry's van. So that was my exercise for the day. Then I ended the day by cooking some steaks for dinner which we enjoyed with a baked potato, peas and a couple of cold ones. It has been a good day, a good end of a year and I'm feeling good going in to 2009.

My back is sore from bending over though. Happy New Year.

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